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Journey Affirmation

If we make positive elemental changes to aspects of ourselves and reality, we can change the construct of what these elements create, making the creations stronger, lighter and more necessary.

As they say, take time to stop and smell the roses. As I have never understood why roses have become the significance of everything loving and beautiful, they do give off a pleasurable scent and possess pedals that are soft to a gentle touch. They come in countless colors, even rainbow. I'm not sure if the multi-color is nature created but either way, beautiful. Roses hit my perception as a double personality flower. It's a jewel that brings happiness, peace, thoughts of being in nature away from cars, pollution, and the screams of humans. But then they are a devilish thing that will prick you with the lightest touch or attention. If you start from the base of the stem and move your attention up the green flesh holding it's thorns of penetration, you reach its blossom of delight. Much like most humans, you must work your way through pain to get to the blossoming of beauty and freedom.   
I've grown into having a simplistic appreciation for the rose as it knows what it is. It knows it's purpose. It has set rules of existence that is carried within its DNA. It doesn't question anything. It doesn't worry. It doesn't get confused. It can't be indecisive or schizophrenic. Being a human, such a life would be a blessing. We have too many experiences and interactions that mold our energy, behavior, and perception. These external interruptions changes the way we think we should live. Now having feelings of being in an equidistant space between light and dark, I decide to journey to the park next to my acreage as it carries many varieties of bugs, frogs, lizards, and a large plethora of foliage filled with color and life. Maybe this will assist my confused mood to veer towards the better side of presence.

What is the point of this virtual art gallery of literature and wonderment release? Why, to  externalize my creativity and my emotions that are created by my life's adventures so I may prevent my brain from imploding with such force that the suction yanks my eyeballs through my skull holes and implants them into my brain flesh. I SEE WHAT YOU'RE THINKIIIIIIIING!! And you are SO disgusting...but I like it. More importantly, I wish to connect with you, share my world with you, to be open to you sharing your world with me, maybe even get together for some duck dick soup in Atlanta. Most of us feel alone in this world on some level as do I. The world does not connect it's people together emotionally or spiritually. Not as it should, in my opinion. And we are way too serious and controlled by our environment. So I have created this environment so you may visit at your leisure to lose the seriousness and be free in the moments you stay with me and my art. 

I, myself, do not fit into one class of society. I do not fit in with just one race or culture. I do not fit into just one classification of psychosis. I do not fit in with only a black or gray way of thinking, feeling, or perceiving. And I don't think we should be taught to stay streamlined in this way. You're a little crazy? Well, boo boo, ME TOO so let's rock it!! You have a desire come from nowhere that you want to cuddle in a blanket with your pup and text someone for hours because you are depressed or just need to sink into a low vibration space? You're not the only one and it's okay to do this. You get a rush of energy and happiness but have nobody around to share it with? Find the ability to enjoy your energy and happiness with yourself wherever you're at. It's awesomer than pancakes covered in fudge and cocaine. Well, maybe. It's okay to be different things, different emotions, different states of being. Because we are not simplistic creatures, we shouldn't pretend that we have to live simplistically or how others demand us to. 

I am an octopus playing the shape sorter cube game, shoving my tentacles and sucky pads into every hole while conforming to all the corners, edges and smooth curves becoming the correct shaped mushy block of a square, triangle, oval, and hexagon. Like the octopus, my creativity doesn't simply fit into one space or genre or topic or purpose or process. My mind and my emotions and my experiences cover everything imaginable, so why should I or can I limit my expressions and creativity? Take a bag of Wild Berry Skittles, Sour Skittles, Smoothie Skittles, and melted hot chili fudge. Put it all in a bowl then set the bowl outside in the sun for two hours during a Georgia summer. Finally, mush them up a little bit. That's what I am and that's what this is. There's a flavor here for everyone. Actually, that sounds a bit tasty. I might try this. Wait, this also makes me sound a bit whorish. Hmm. Guess it's all about perception. What did you think when you read 'flavor for everyone'? HAHA!! This is the online sea of the octopus. Come octopus with me, yes?

Fictional Character

Brand, image, purpose. Everything that I create, it must be elementally meaningful. One stone, one page, one word, one heartbeat at a time. If it has no meaning, it doesn't mean anything.

Image by Rod Long


The desire to get to the point in my life where I can enjoy, share, and get back to writing and creating has been burning inside of me for many years. Now that I have finally reached that time, I have been shown that I am both light and dark. Love and loath. Human and spirit. Thinker and creator. Life and death. I see how all four of natures elements can both destroy and create. But the one that is most inconspicuous as to being a creator of good is fire. Not only does fire rejuvenate the ground for new growth, it gives off ones desired scents from a candle. It ignites the jizzle philly to smoke away our frazzled nerves. It brings us warmth to help us survive harsh coldness. Fire destroys an organic body but while this can bring pain to the loved ones of the deceased, the ashes carry nutrients that help to bring healthy life to living organisms such as as grass, flowers, and gardens, .  

Fire is also a state of being. One getting 'fired up'. One being 'so mad their burning up'. 'Hot damn'! Well, maybe not that last one but you get my point. Our emotions can raise our body temperature. We can also have a spit fire personality where if you're not careful, a persons words can burn you. For me? Every time I have been destroyed, I simply attempt to recreate myself into something even better and wiser. Also, my spirit and creator sides have been buried, caged deep inside always scared to come to the surface. But they have begun to burn with desire to be seen, heard and accepted. I can't burn anymore. I must climb from the flames, grow new roots into the earth and grow into a blossoming mimosa tree to give myself stability and freedom while giving others shade and comfort that choose to sit beneath my foliage. 


Our bodies are made up of all natures elements in one way or another. Our bodies have to stay warm which is represented by heat. We must breathe in oxygen to feed our blood. Most of our bodies are made up of water so dehydration is deadly. Lastly, our bodies are a biologic eco-system much like the earths surface. Then you can go deeper within each of these elements to find that they themselves are made up of smaller elements along with needing other external elements to support every piece of life or energy. 

There are then those elements that are all around us that effect us. For example, what effects my literary ability or content is what or who is around me. Situations from my past and my present that have molded my perception of the world around me or simply burned a permanent way of reacting to similar situations that may follow the one that burned me. Life effects our feelings, our minds, our well-being, and our lifestyle. Sometimes as deeply as our spirit, whether it be positive or negative. Life is elemental, no matter how you look at it.

Element Formula

C22 = Carbon  

         22% of adult body mass, approximately 

         Second most abundant element in the human body

         Vital to all life on earth    


Relation to my artistry: Vitality. I feel that it is vital to allow ourselves to be who we are and to express who we are as we deem desirable. It is also important that our essences, desires, talents, hobbies, and ideas should connect us in a positive and creative way. I was built to help people in whatever way in which my words and thoughts are meaningful for them. Even if it's simply by entertaining them. And since I don't leave my house, I am here virtually. This is vital for my mental health and purpose along with yours.


O16 = Oxygen

         16% of oxygen needs to be in the air for fire to start and continue

         Most abundant element in the human body

         300 million years ago when oxygen levels were higher, insects grew bigger such                             as dragonflies that were once as big as birds


Relation to my artistry: We all need to take a breath sometimes. Relax, meditate, smell the rain, push oxygen through our lungs to our cells, open our blood paths in our brains to create wild thoughts and mind-traveling creations. Oh and fuck dragonbirds, K? As glorious as it would be to see bird sized dragonflies, what about horse flies? Or regular house flies? Or tarantulas? You hit one of those with a tennis racket zapper and they will EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE!! Pff, NO!!

It's also interesting that oxygen is needed for both human life and the fire that turns our bodies to dust and bone shards. Again, elements that is needed for life and death, just more on a molecular scale. 


Why did I choose blue as my company color? A couple different reasons. One of the things I found out while scrolling through TikTok and IG was that blue eyes exist due to a mutation. Since I have blue eyes that change to green and grey, this sounded truly bizarre. Blue eyed people share one common ancestor who was born 6,000 to 10,000 years ago during the Neolithic expansion into Europe. The mutation was located on the HERC2 gene where this mutation acted like a switch to the OCA2 gene and was able to turn off the OCA2's production of melatonin in the eye. So, instead of producing brown eyes, blue eyes were born. I can relate to the mutation aspect due to how I was neglected as a child and abused as an adult. I felt unworthy to exist or something that brought disgust to those around me. Much like a mutant. Unfortunately, I don't have any mutant powers like Storm or Wolverine but it's whatever. 


Although the C and O in these gene names don't stand for oxygen and carbon, it is still interesting how the worlds elements are connected and how our thinking and wonderments make these connections without us even trying. I didn't know this tidbit before I chose my company name, color, or element creations yet the elements that I created use the same letters as this blue eye mutation. 


Not only were us humans not given the blue eye color as part of our original DNA, blue is a very rare color for nature to create in other living organisms such as animals and plants. I read an article that spoke on how blue is typically produced by the mixing of pigments or by reflected light. Also, the only known animal that produces a true blue pigment is the Obrina Olivewing Butterfly. 


Why is the color blue so rare in nature?


There are also characteristics of the color blue itself that I find relatable. 

     Has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche that gives us peace and makes us feel               confident and secure. This is what I want for my guests that experience my art.

     The color of the Throat chakra, also known as Visuddha. The throat Chakra relates to speech,       hearing and encourages spiritual communication. Opening the Throat chakra improves               clairaudience. This relates to my writing and love of talking along with my deep curiosity             with the supernatural and being a natural witch.

     Hottest part of a flame is blue. which is related to my creative foundation, burning.

     There are many shades and meanings of the color just like there are in grief or loss. So there       are elements of blue like there are elements of loss, elements of self, etc.

     Color of trust and loyalty. Reminds me to maintain who I am and who I want around me.

The Journey Begins...Let's Go

Foundationally, writing is my burning element of self. Expressing myself, being creative, making connections with others. It makes me happy, gives me a sense of having my 'own thing', and it drives me to continue to create which I prefer to do compared to spending 3.4 hours on my phone watching TikkyTokky videos that pop my intelligence bubble. And I may not be the best writer, but it's something that I enjoy in my own little world. If we were the best at what we do, nobody else would need to do it, right? And that, my friend, would suck donkey tail. So I am letting my internal fire burn for as long as it can so I can continue to be happy, creative, and experience periodic tumbles off the coocoo wagon that is being pulled by both angels and demons as my life holds adventures with both.


What is your burning element? What feeds your internal fire of self? You're already a warm-blooded, live, energized element of the universe. But what is your spiritual burn? What brings balance to you light and dark sides to create your personal elemental formula? If you're not burning, you're not living. Find your spark, ignite it, and burn your normalcy to the fucking ground!!

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